FAQ page

How does therapy help?

A therapist  is someone who listens carefully and deeply to your child’s experience, they will not cast judgement, tell your child what to do or give them the answers to their questions but they will empower, teach and invite them to make their own decisions within safe and ethical boundaries. This process will encourage your child or young person to find a positive way forward and to strive to reach their full potential.

How long does the process take?

Sometimes clients attend therapy for only a few sessions, sometimes they choose to attend for much longer. Rhise Therapy is led by the client’s needs regarding how long the sessions will last. There is theoretically no limit to the number of sessions but, no matter how long the sessions do last it is usual to have ‘an ending’ which is an arranged conclusion to therapy. Generally an ‘ending’ usually occurs naturally and is mutually discussed as the aims are hopefully gradually achieved.

What is a therapeutic Contract?

A therapeutic contract is standard practice in therapy. The contract will explain the professional boundaries which surround therapy. It will help you to understand what you can expect and how you and the therapist will work together

If you have any other questions, please contact us.