Children and Young People


Children and young people live in the same world as adults and they can experience the same mental health crises as adults.

However, children may be less able than adults to put how they are feeling in perspective, or draw on past experience of when tough times got better.

Therapy is one way of getting the support to help children and young people cope easier with any issues that they might be experiencing. Rhise offers children and young people the opportunity of a safe, confidential and non - judgmental place to talk about their feelings. 

The therapist will help the child to talk about how they feel and work with them to develop ways to cope and to explore coping strategies and discover solutions to their problems so that they can feel more like themselves.

Children Are The Future. Invest.

Entrusting your child or young person to a counsellor is undoubtedly one of the most difficult processes a parent or carer can go through. There can be so many unknowns and unanswered questions but hopefully the information provided on this website will be useful in helping reassure you.

Therapy offers your child the opportunity to talk through whatever is going on for them in a private and safe setting. As a parent or carer this may feel strange as you would wish they could talk to you. However, therapy encourages children and young people to build positive relationships with the significant individuals around them and works towards empowering and building the life skills for the child and young person to develop more open communication within their family.


Parent or Carer Meetings

You will be offered an initial meeting, this offers the parents or carers the opportunity to talk about what has been happening in the child’s or young person’s experiences from the parent’s or carers perspective.

A review meeting will be offered after an agreed amount of sessions. This will offer the opportunity for feedback on progress and sharing any developments from home.

A ending meeting is also offered to share progress. Additional updates can be scheduled in throughout the therapy for an additional charge.